Monday, November 24, 2008

JDK settings in Ubuntu

Basically, ProFrame and JEUS require JDK. The recommended version of the JDK is 1.5. Let me briefly explain how to install JDK in Ubuntu Server.

Checking current JAVA configuration
Let's check the current JAVA configuration before installing the JDK 1.5.
Just type the below command in your terminal:

update-java-alternatives -l
(in case of not root account:
sudo update-java-alternatives -l)

This will show you Java version and path of JAVA.

Installing JDK 1.5
To install the JDK 1.5, just type the below command in your terminal.

apt-get install sun-java5-bin
apt-get install sun-java5-jdk

After you type each command, just follow the direction. After installing the JDK, please check the configuration using the direction in the first section.

Uninstalling JDK
Sometimes, you want to remove current JDK, Please refer the below command which deleting JDK 1.5.

apt-get remove sun-java5-bin
apt-get remove sun-java5-jdk

Note taht the JEUS configuration should be changed according to the changes of JDK.

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